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20 CLS Lifting

 Cinderella Clinic's Model Dayoon Jung  The ideal angle of the jaw and neck is between 90 and 100 degrees. However, the double chin may cause the fat to sag and droop, and if the angle falls to 130-140 degrees, the jaw becomes blunt and the impression becomes heavy, which may have a negative effect on the attraction.We would like to tell you about 4 causes of double chin development.1. Simple Fat AccumulationBasically, if you have a lot of fat on your face, the fat gets saggy, the size of your face increases and the fat gets accumulated on the jawline resulting in double chin. In addition, if the jaw-to-neck line is short, it is easy to get a double chin even if you put a little weight on the jawline, and if you bend your head slightly, the double chin phenomenon will be noticeable.2. When it comes from the Wrong PostureThe wrong use of pillows or problems with various posture causes the appearance of straight neck and a turtle neck which prevents the proper use of the muscles in the front of the neck and causes the lymph glands and lymphatic vessels around the jaw to be easily swollen due to poor circulation, or thick accumulation of waste and fat, resulting in double chin symptoms. 3.  Stretching due to Reduced Elasticity of the lower jawline muscle tissue supporting the jawlineAging-induced problem – The platysma is a thin, degenerated muscle that covers the fore and outside of the neck, and is involved in facial expressions that only functions as much as lowering the corners of the mouth when laughing the loudest. Anatomically, it is also connected to the facial fascia(SMAS). This platysma gets weakened by aging and stretching, especially when the accumulation of fat in the middle of the neck occurs around the platysma, bulging under the chin and becomes like looking at the neck of a turkey.Problems with bone surgery – Retracting the lower jaw during double jaw surgery causes the lower jaw muscles, which form the bottom of the mouth, to move to the lower jaw, resulting in double chin symptoms. The same principle occurs when the jaw is formed, which can be seen as the main cause of double chin development in young people.4. Other Cases​If you have a frown or a stiff look on your face often, you can see that your chin is stretched down as opposed to pulling the jawline with the corners of your mouth when you smile, resulting in double chin, twisted jaw points, tooth decay, etc., and other problems such as not using your left and right teeth evenly, or if you have a lot of chin fat due to genetic characteristics.So, we would like to introduce Cinderella’s CLS Lifting for those who have a lot of stress and worries because of the double chin.CLS Lifting is a surgery to selectively accurately and safely remove only local tissues, providing a thinner, sharper facial line and a firmer, softer neck line. The laser also penetrates directly into the skin layer, providing an immediate and long-lasting effect compared to other treatments.CLS Lifting allows you to remove double chin and get three additional effects: wrinkle improvement, V-line, and skin elasticity. Because of the non-incisional procedure, you can recover quickly, leaves few scars, and you can see immediate visual effects after surgery.Finally, the most important part of the surgery is the careful operation with a lot of experience. Therefore, even when considering double chin surgery, you should check both the professional medical staff’s experience and detailed 1:1 customized consultation before choosing a hospital. This is because the specialist who performs the surgery must accurately identify the patient’s ideal image, and carefully identify the patient’s skeleton and wrinkles to complete satisfactory surgery results. 

April 16, 2020


19 "In just one surgery, two different effects!"

Functional Rhinoplasty + Cosmetic Rhinoplasty (Solve the Stuffed-Up Nose, Straighten the Nasal Line!)​Cinderella Model, Alvynna What is Functional Rhinoplasty + Cosmetic Rhinoplasty?​Functional Rhinoplasty + Cosmetic Rhinoplasty is a surgical method for those who experience nasal congestion, that corrects the nasal line and improves both functional and aesthetic parts at the same time.   The main cause of severe nasal congestion is not rhinitis but deviated septum. So, when you are considering Rhinoplasty, and if one or both noses are often stuffed-up, such as breathing, exercising, lying down, sleeping, etc., you must first check for nasal septum deviation before proceeding with the surgery. Cinderella Plastic Surgery addresses the fundamental cause of septum deviation, which prevents nasal congestion and provides a more ideal line. The Cosmetic Rhinoplasty is carried out at the same time after solving the septum deviation so it prevents the recurrence of nasal congestion and also prevents deformation of the shape of the nose. The Cosmetic Rhinoplasty must be performed at the same time as the Functional Rhinoplasty in order to prevent nasal congestion after the surgery and for the nasal line that does not change over time. In addition, if you do both Functional and Cosmetic simultaneously, you will need to choose a hospital with a professional medical staff with high-level skills in both areas since it is not something that can be solved simply by collaboration. That way, both inside and outside of the nose can produce satisfactory results.In the case of Functional Rhinoplasty, the septum is straightened out, and the weakened septum during the straightening out gets strengthened so it resolves nasal congestion and strengthens the inside of the nose. Even if we insert a nose bridge implant, it prevents side effects such as collapsing. And Cosmetic Rhinoplasty is performed by adjusting the line, height and angle according to the different facial proportions of each individual. The possibility of the septum becoming deviated again is very slim because the inside of the nose is already straightened and reinforced through Functional Rhinoplasty. Therefore, it prevents the possibility of a nose bridge bending in the future and provides an ideal line for the individual, so you can get two different effects in just one operation. 

April 08, 2020


18 Rhinoplasty Q&A

Here are some Questions and Answers related to Rhinoplasty! :)     

April 06, 2020


17 Anesthesia Q&A

 1. What is the biggest difference between General Anesthesia and Deep Sedation?rGeneral Anesthesia inhibits the central nerves function responsible for consciousness and body sense, and does not wake up to any irritation. Both motions and reflex actions are stopped. Deep Sedation reacts by mild irritation, such as talking or tapping, minimizing pain and anxiety.  2. Is there a correlation between Deep Sedation and drinking alcohol?If you are physically strong or frequently exposed to a drug, it may be difficult for you to fall asleep very well after anesthesia.Some of these drugs include alcohol, sleeping pills, and stimulants. Those who often drink alcohol or describe it as generally strong may not be able to sleep well, but the amount of anesthetic needed for anesthesia increases more than the average person. On the other hand, people who can't drink well may not be also easy to fall asleep under anesthesia.That's why we ask how much the patient can drink before the anesthesia. 3. Can't I get anesthetized if I have a fever and cough?A fever or cough is a sign of other diseases such as a cold, and it is advisable to delay surgery due to the increased incidence of respiratory complications, as this can be accompanied by bronchitis or pneumonia. 4. Can't I get anesthetized if I polish my nails?Nail polish does not affect the anesthesia itself. However, since the oxygen saturation level of the patient is measured by a hand-held machine during anesthesia, it is difficult to check the oxygen saturation when applying nail polish, so it is a rule to remove all pre-anesthesia nail polish.  5. Can't I eat before anesthesia?Fasting is a must before anesthesia. If you eat food, your airway may be blocked due to the back up of the stomach contents, so fasting is a rule for eight hours before surgery.

March 20, 2020


16 Alvynna's Real Story

Before & After Name: Alvynna Types of Surgeries: Rhinoplasty, Thread Lifting, Fat Grafting, Breast Surgery Hello Everyone. I am Alvynna from Malaysia. Today I am going to introduce you my plastic surgery story.  What I do is I make videos and upload them on YouTube to communicate with you. Because of my job, I have to film a lot of videos and monitor a lot. I think I am charming, but my nose is so low in the video that my face looks spread out and it doesn't look as pretty as it actually is. And I want to take a lot of pictures when I travel and upload them, but I don't look it especially when I wear bikini, I lose confidence every time I watch a video that shows my flat breasts. Because of these complexes, I decided to get plastic surgery.  After searching a lot of information on the Internet, I found out that Korea's plastic surgery technology is currently number one in the world. To be honest, it's not easy to travel to a country because of different language, but it's way harder to get plastic surgery in a foreign country. I've been thinking a lot about this problem. But I decided to go to Korea because I wanted to change more.  I had consultations at several large plastic surgery clinics in Korea, but I decided to get surgery done in Cinderella Clinic. The surgeon and the consultant consulted me in so much detail that I could trust the clinic even more.  I received only the necessary surgeries. They were Rhinoplasty, Breast Surgery, Thread Lifting and Fat Grafting. After the surgery, I felt uncomfortable breathing because of the cotton stuck in both nostrils. I had a hard time for a couple of days as if I had something pressed down on my breasts. But now that I'm done with it, I can see the change in my face, the change in the breasts, and it's nothing that I've had before. My nose bridge has gotten higher and a lot slimmer. I don't know how to express this feeling because my flat breasts got volumes. I'm so happy. I hope summer will come soon in pretty bikinis.  Thank you so much to the surgeon. My confidence has been restored and many changes in my life have come. Don't hesitate and make a strong decision like me everyone! :)  Pre-operation Images Post-operation Images    

March 18, 2020


15 Nose Shape that decides Facial Impression, What Should be Noted when you do Rhinoplasty?

 The nose is natural and beautiful when it is in harmony with all parts of the face, but most people are the first to think of Rhinoplasty as a nose-raising procedure. However, there are many different ways to make an ideal nose for yourself. The nose also looks simple on the outside, but inside the nose is made up of complex structures. Therefore, accurate diagnosis by a skilled specialist before the operation is very important.  First of all, nose bridge surgery that raises the nose not only helps the nose bridge but also the tip of the nose to make it look prettier overall. Through this procedure it helps create harmony with the face. If satisfied with the nose bridge but when the nose is short or the shape of the nose is low or blunt, or if the tip of the nose looks wide due to the spread of the cartilage, it is recommended that you consider Alar Reduction and Tip Plasty. In addition, if you have a hump nose or the nose is deviated, the operation to correct the shape is necessary. Though you have already had Rhinoplasty and you are not satisfied with the shape, or if you have side effects, you will have to get a thorough diagnosis and consultation to choose the right method of Revision Rhinoplasty. Revision Rhinoplasty requires a high level of difficulty so you must find a skilled specialist.  Rhinoplasty should be operated in a way that improves shortcomings through personal-tailored design considering height, shape and line and can be implemented naturally by selecting prosthesis and surgical methods that fit the individual's nose with the safety of the patient first.      

March 05, 2020


14 When Selecting Plastic Surgery Clinic, Identifying Exclusive Charge of Anesthesia System Required

 Although there are more and more people choosing to do plastic surgery every year, there are many difficulties in selecting a hospital with a flood of plastic surgery clinics and information.However, if you are looking forward to doing plastic surgery, you can increase your satisfaction by focusing on plastic surgery methods and safety rather than trends and prices.It is very important to find out specifically what points to check for safer plastic surgery because the most important thing is safety but it is rarely scrutinized prior to surgery.Therefore, it is recommended to have a thorough evaluation of the trained know-how in safety management, the presence of an anesthesiologist, and advanced safety equipment facilities when selecting plastic surgery clinic.When you perform a major operation, you get a general anesthesia, and the role of an anesthesiologist is important. The patient's condition needs to be closely monitored, especially during post-anesthesia. Since symptoms such as malignant hyperthermia can occur after general anesthesia, anesthesiologist should be present at all times.Malignant hyperthermia is a sudden fever that accompanies paralysis and is known to occur only during general anesthesia, which is very rare with 0.0006% chance, but the death rate in the event of an outbreak is very high so must be taken care of.It is recommended that you check out a hospital with an anesthesiologist who can give you first aid immediately, as malignant hyperthermia is a frightening symptom that can kill a patient once it occurs.

February 13, 2020


13 "Change life" on VTV2 introduced life changing story about Cam after plastic surgery conducted by Dr.Chung Jong-pil, Cinderella PS clinic, Korean Plastic Surgery

 SEOUL, South Korea, Aug. 1, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- On July 28, VTV2 launched the first episode of "Change life" season 3. The first personage is Cam, a 20 year-old girl who dreams of becoming a tour guide. The story of the girl with a protruded chin who got bullied by people around, who transformed completly after the surgery moved the audience in the studio.Cam had a lot of difficulties in daily life routines due to her protruded chin before the surgery. She also could not get proper treatment for her teeth due to her poor family condition. She had a dream of becoming a tour guide to introduce her hometown, Da Nang, but confessed that she was not confident standing in front of others.Later, she participated in "Change Life" and underwent plastic surgery to change her jaw, eyes and nose with the help of the medical team led by CEO Chung Jong-pil of the Cinderella plastic surgery in Korea. In particular, the Korean plastic surgery has restored her confidence, and transformed her brighter and happier person drawing great attention from viewers.The Cinderella plastic surgery department opened in 2004 and has grown into a global beauty medical group. Currently, Cinderella Clinic is composed of plastic surgery, dental clinic, gynecology and dermatology department, and strives to provide the best customer service, including winning Korea Consumer Satisfaction Index (KSCI) cosmetic surgery.Chung Jong-pil, head of the Korea's Cinderella plastic surgery clinic, said, "I am very happy that Cam found hope after her surgery(jaw correction, eyes and nose surgery as plastic surgery)," he explained, "Plastic surgery has a positive effect as it overcomes ones appearance complex and restores confidence."  The Change Life program with plastic surgery clinics in Korea is a social contribution program that helps mourners overcome their apparent disabilities and is aired on the Vietnamese state-run VTV2 every Saturday night.  Cinderella's Plastic Surgery Korea (English/Vietnam/Chinese)E-Mail :  Website : https://cindyhospital.comFacebook : : +82-10-6717-0032Line :  globalcindy Kakaotalk : cindy0032 

February 12, 2020


12 Una's Real Story

Types of Surgery : Fat Grafting, Eyes(Lateral Canthoplasty, Lower Canthoplasty), Under Eye Fat Repositioning, Rhinoplasty, Facial ContouringPre-Surgery​My name is Una, who is working as a model in Taiwan. At first, I started working as a model because I heard many times that I have a pretty figure. However, at some point, I felt a lot of limitations as a model with just a pretty figure. I heard a lot of people say that I look fierce because my cheekbones were very protruded. And since my facial line looked so bumpy and dull that the concept of the pictorial was always strong or needed a lot of photoshop. Therefore, I decided to do plastic surgery because I wanted to take a cosmetic pictorial of feminine image. Since there were many types of surgery I had to do and facial contouring was kind of a huge surgery, I decided to do the surgery in Korea where it is well-know to be very good at plastic surgery.   1 Day Post-Surgery​After the surgery, everyone said I look so great and when I looked into the mirror I looked totally like a different person. Honestly, after the surgery, when I woke up from the anesthesia, I regretted for a moment why I had done the surgery, however, I was so happy looking into the mirror thought I was sick. I was very moved bu the good cared and treatment of the nurse, translator and the surgeon.  6 Days Post-Surgery​Now that I am living my life without any inconvenience and seeing my swelling go down faster than I though, everyone is asking me to introduce the hospital. As the surgeon said, I avoided hard or tough food and did gargle steadily. I am taking more selfies that before. I am looking forward to seeing myself after all the swelling goes down.  2 Weeks Post-Surgery​About two weeks later, I received an offer from a broadcasting station and took this picture while waiting. Everyone didn't notice that I had plastic surgery except for that I was a bit awkward when speaking. All the members of the cast admired my ability to recover. I also didn't expect to recover this much in two weeks. So everyone was very interested in which hospital I had the plastic surgery. 2 Months Post-Surgery​Even though I look into the mirror everyday, surprisingly, I think there is someone else in the mirror. Now I am completely looking natural. Without a doubt, you see the effects? I really love how I look now.  The Present​Now that I have fully recovered, and there is nothing different than my pre-op life except for that I have just changed my face. I had the hardest time within 3-4 days after the surgery, but I cannot even remember the time when I look at how I have changed. I would have regretted a lot if I waited to do the surgery for longer time. I am so happy that so many people have paid attention to me. Thank you once again to the surgeon and the other medical staff of Cinderella Plastic Surgery Clinic who supported me to live my second life.  If you are still considering the surgery, you will not know when you will get lucky if you put off. I wish we could have a happy life everyday like me together.   

January 23, 2020


11 Methods of 1:1 Customized Rhinoplasty for Men Only!

 When it is time for holidays, the end of the year or to prepare for a job, there are a lot of people making inquiries about plastic surgery. In particular, men ask a lot about rhinoplasty because in the case of men, the nose is very effective to change impression so the first type they consider is the rhinoplasty. However, for men, the procedure should be different from that of women. Since the condition of skin differs compared to women and the aesthetic criteria they think are different, the preferred face may vary and the postoperative satisfaction may vary as well. Therefore, it has to be done in a method that is suitable for men.  The reason why a lot of men consider rhinoplasty is because the nose is the part of their face they mostly complain about. When you look from the side and you have a flat line that falls under your forehead, or your face looks wide from the front view so you don't have a three-dimensional look, the cause is in the nose mostly. You can get an attractive line through rhinoplasty if you have a low nose bridge, big and wide nasal balls, or deviated nose. However, instead of considering rhinoplasty just to get a very high nose or based on trends, considering the height of nose bridge, shape and line at the same time while also making sure the overall stability and the harmony of facial features will make you get more satisfactory result. Since men's and women's aesthetic ratios are different, it is important to gather a variety of plastic surgery information and get a face-to-face consultation with a surgeon that has a lot of experiences in the area for satisfactory male plastic surgery. In addition, it is also important to ensure that the system for patient's safety and recovery is well established.  

December 18, 2019
